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Cookie & Privacy Policy

Cookie 和隐私政策

We take your data privacy very seriously and use your information to provide the products and services you have requested from us. We will not sell, license or trade your information without your consent. When you visit this site (cranfielduniversity.cn) your personal data will be processed in Hong Kong.

For more general information about how your data will be processed, please see our privacy policy Privacy Policy (cranfield.ac.uk) or email gdpr@cranfield.ac.uk. Where required, we may share your information across the University and with our commercial subsidiaries. 

Cookie notice 

We use cookies when you visit this website to analyse the web traffic, to optimise the performance and content of the website and to promote trust and security. Cookies are small text files that are stored by your Internet browser on your computer. These cookies do not include any sensitive information, they are only for the duration of your web session to improve your experience.  For questions regarding the cookies on this site please email gdpr@cranfield.ac.uk.